I joined the faculty at Union College at the end of 2021. I teach Hebrew and Old Testament across both the undergraduate and graduate programmes.
I studied law as an undergraduate (St. Chad’s College, Durham), and then Theology (Oak Hill College, London). At Master’s level I studied Semitic languages at UCL and Assyriology at SOAS, London (2013–2015), before moving to Leiden University for my PhD in Assyriology (2015–2020). The latter was carried out within the framework of a Gerda Henkel Stiftung PhD scholarship. I have previously served as fixed–term lecturer in Assyriology at Leiden University (2018, 2019) and, most recently, as lecturer in Hebrew and Old Testament at Union School of Theology, Wales.
My research focuses on the cuneiform texts and history of the early second millennium BC (the ‘Old Babylonian period’). The textual legacy of this period is particularly rich and the task of editing unpublished cuneiform tablets an open–ended one! I have two current book projects: one is a study of (legal) redemption in the Old Babylonian period, a re–working of my doctoral thesis, and the other provides text editions of an unpublished archive of cuneiform tablets housed in the British Museum.