Since 2020 the Gamble Library of Union Theological College has engaged in partnership working with the Ulster-Scots Agency. This has proved extremely beneficial for the Library, and in turn, the wider College. What follows is an overview of the projects that the Ulster-Scots Agency have funded during 2022.
The purchase and installation of two new exhibition cases
Two new state-of-the-art exhibition cases and other materials to facilitate exhibitions were funded by the Agency. The exhibition cases have been used for several exhibitions already, including the Martin Luther: Bible Translator, Illustrator and Publisher: 500 Years exhibition. This opened at the same time as the Conference of the same name, 12 September, and exhibited several items which were on loan from the Ulster-Scots Agency and the Russell Library, Maynooth. Numerous visitors came to see the exhibition during the Conference, follow up Bible for All events, and during the Library’s normal opening hours. These cases will enable the Library to host regular exhibitions on a range of different topics, raising the profile of our collections to potential research students and visitors.

Collection Condition Overview and a Care and Conservation Management and Maintenance Plan
The Ulster-Scots Agency made it possible for a Conservator to conduct a Collection Condition Overview. This survey of the whole collection was necessary so that the Conservator could create a bespoke Care and Conservation Management and Maintenance Plan. This 25-year costed plan is designed to improve preservation and access to all collections.
The installation of CCTV cameras to secure four Library doors
With support from the Agency, CCTV cameras were installed outside four Library doors. These will improve the security of our collections.

The purchase of over forty academic books
The Ulster-Scots Agency funded the purchase of over forty academic books that enhance the Library’s provision, among them several valuable multi-volume editions. These will facilitate ongoing historical and theological research into some of the most contested issues in the religious and intellectual history of this island, such as, the Plantation of Ulster, the influence of the covenanting tradition, the Ulster-Scots diaspora etc. For Union College’s research-active community, seeking to produce original contributions to the study of Christian theology, these particular new resources are key enablers, for both Faculty and for postgraduate researchers more generally, towards the study culture, history, theology and faith.
We would like to convey our sincere thanks to the Board of the Ulster-Scots Agency, Ian Crozier (CEO), and Gillian Pearson (Director of Development) for the very positive impact the support offered by the Agency during 2022 has had.