Join us for this one-day event that will showcase the outstanding research of our final-year MA in Theology students. We welcome students and faculty of Union Theological College, as well as pastors, friends, and prospective students in our community, to join us in celebrating the careful work of these students.
A distinctive feature of the Colloquium is its respondent format. This format ensures that each presenter receives thoughtful engagement from an established scholar or minister. This year we are joined by:
Dennis Greeson Dean of the BibleMesh Institute, MA in Theology programme coordinator and a Research Associate at Union Theological College.
Nathan Wallace Research associate at the Christian Institute, and a recognised teacher at Union Theological College, Belfast.
Graham Shearer Lecturer in Theology and a postgraduate research supervisor at Union Theological College.
Philip Boyd Recognised Teacher and Minister of McQuiston Memorial Presbyterian Church.
The free event will run from 9:30-3:00pm, and will feature six student papers. Coffee and a light soup and sandwich lunch will also be provided. Oh... and one attendee will win Reformed Dogmatics, 4 Volume Set, Deluxe Edition by Herman Bavinck.
Click the button below to find out more and register!