With around three months to go until the Martin Luther. Bible translator, illustrator and publisher Conference, which will take place on 12-13 September, we are releasing a fourth online exhibition. This online exhibition looks at the history of the Bible in Gaelic and why it took so long for a Gaelic Bible to eventually be published in 1690 even though work to translate the New Testament had commenced around 1571. The common and distinct history of the Bible in Irish and Scottish Gaelic is traced up to the present day. For instance, work to create a reader friendly version of An Bíobla Naofa, an Irish translation of the whole Bible from the original languages first published in 1981, is ongoing and publication is expected late this year or early in 2023.
The Conference programme will be released later in June on the Inkwells blog. Preparations are also ongoing for a physical exhibition in the Gamble Library running in the autumn.